Underground city of Naples
The subsoil of Naples is crossed by a large network of tunnels, tunnels, aqueducts and spaces excavated and used by man during the history of the city since several centuries before Christ until a few years after the end of the Second World War, and still today , at least in part, can be visited. There are several routes to access the underground network and the former anti-aircraft shelters. One of these shelters can be seen, alternating between cisterns and quarries, tunnels and wells, remains from the Greek-Roman period and catacombs, and the passages that connect various points of the city, even distant kilometers, are countless in Piazza San Gaetano where it can be visited the Greek-Roman aqueduct, and the refuge of Via Sant’Anna di Palazzo, in Chiaia. The speleologists continue to study and inspect the cavities and tunnels that resurface during collapses and / or collapses and insert them in the so-called census of city cavities. The cavities were made for various purposes, depending on the places and historical periods, however their secondary and successive uses were different, which marked phases of full use and disposal that followed one another in history. 900 are known to date 000 m2 of underground cavities under the city of Naples, of which only two are of natural origin.